Ways to make your workspace more productive

A key element in having a more productive work day is your workspace. Are you comfortable? Are you inspired? If you’re sitting at a cubicle with nothing but your computer to look at, then those eight hours a day probably move by pretty slow. Likewise, if your desk is not positioned appropriately, then any discomfort you’re feeling in your back, neck or shoulders could keep you from being able to focus.

If you have flexibility to spruce up your workspace, here are some ideas for making it a place where you feel efficient, focused and comfortable.

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Help employees meet their goals with workplace wellness

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions people make is to improve wellness in some way, whether it’s exercising more, eating healthier, or losing 10 pounds. In early 2017, Google searches for “get healthy” increased nearly 14 percent, while the number of specific searches for “gym” during that time went up 315 percent over the previous year.

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Find the cause that’s right for your business

An essential part of a company’s business strategy is determining how it will give back to the community. Corporate philanthropy helps foster employee engagement, builds trust with consumers and generates value for the business.

But how do you choose the cause your business should support? It is not a decision to be taken lightly. Take the time to assess what causes make the most sense for your business through an informed discovery process.

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It’s that time again: Office Christmas party time

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, we’re tellin’ you why — because it’s no fun being an office Christmas party pooper! So listen up: If you haven’t planned something fun or inspirational for your employees or coworkers to celebrate the holiday season, now’s the time.

Continue reading It’s that time again: Office Christmas party time

We have an attitude of gratitude for our customers

Today, and every day, we have an attitude of gratitude.

There are so many things to be grateful for, aren’t there? Family, friends, health, fellowship. We’d be remiss, though, if we let Thanksgiving go by without expressing how thankful we are at WorkPlacePro for you, our customers.

Continue reading We have an attitude of gratitude for our customers

Supporting employees creates a supportive workplace

One of the things we value most at WorkPlacePro is our ability to create group unity and a supportive workplace.

Providing your staff with apparel that communicates a common message can help foster a pleasant work environment and an office culture of having fun and giving back.

Continue reading Supporting employees creates a supportive workplace

Can’t find the design? Tips for ordering with WorkPlacePro

A cause that your business supports has a recognition day that’s approaching quickly, and you want to order shirts for your office staff to show support. It’s a month away. You remember that you saw a shirt design on WorkPlacePro that your coworkers will love, but when you go online to order, it’s no longer there.

Our customers tell us this is a common problem — when they are trying to promote an occupation or cause, they’re often too late in ordering the design they want. Let’s remedy that! At WorkPlacePro, we have processes and schedules in place to make sure we can produce the order you need in the time you need it. Because we are a print-to-order company, we only offer designs for a limited time.

Continue reading Can’t find the design? Tips for ordering with WorkPlacePro

Hurricane Relief Efforts

It takes an army to fight a battle on two fronts. That’s what the Salvation Army is doing right now. They are on the ground in Houston and ready with more teams in place for Florida. The Salvation Army’s words to live by are “Doing the Most Good.” Whether that means providing food, shelter, a shoulder to cry on or someone to give you hope. They have food trucks that are mobilized to feed thousands of victims and first responders. The disaster relief team is setting up shelters for rest and recovery for victims. The Salvation Army doesn’t leave either once the flooding stops and the power is turned back on, they stay until the healing is complete.

These are the reasons WorkPlacePro has decided to donate our relief efforts to this amazing nonprofit. All net proceeds of our Texas Love shirt are being donated – with your help we hope to lift our fellow Americans in their time of need. You never know when a disaster will hit your area and we can only hope that people will step in and stand up when that time comes. Let’s send some positive thoughts and donations to all the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Irma.

You can read more about the Salvation Army’s efforts and donate here: https://disaster.salvationarmyusa.org/

Purchase your Texas Love shirt to help relief efforts here: http://www.workplacepro.com/S-TEXAS

The Salvation Army is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Employee Spotlight: Amanda!

Amanda is our resident genius around here at WorkPlacePro. She has been here 12 years and I really don’t think any one of us could get by without her. She is the backbone of our website, the glue to our marketing team and all around just makes WPP “tick”. Yes, she is that good. We thought we’d sit down with her for some very important interview questions that we hope you enjoy and let you get to know her a little bit. 🙂

Interview Questions:

  1. If you were a Disney character, which one would you be? And why?

I googled “Which Disney character are you” and took this quiz.

My result: Sadness from Inside Out

I haven’t seen this movie, but it’s on disney.com so it must be official.  I guess see what you get to judge if this quiz is accurate

  1. What skill would you like to master? Reading Japanese, but I’m too lazy to stick with studying it.
  1. What’s your favorite drink? I usually drink water, but the fanciest I get is Coke Zero with lime.  Or a white mocha cappuccino.
  1. What are three small things that make your day better?
    1. Dark Chocolate
    2. New YouTube videos
    3. Feeling like I accomplished something
  1. What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t? Wanting a dog.
  1. If life is a game (like some people say) what’s two rules you would have?
    1. Don’t be rude.
    2. Be a geek about something you enjoy.
  1. Favorite restaurant? Food from what place? Given the opportunity, my favorite thing is to go somewhere new, or somewhere we rarely go, and have something a bit different that I wouldn’t usually have at home.