Category: Work Life

  • 10 fun Secret Santa gift ideas

    10 fun Secret Santa gift ideas

    It’s baaaaaack: That little office game where you draw a coworker’s name and sneak them super secret gifts every day for a week before your identity is revealed. Secret Santa can be crazy fun but also mind-boggling, especially if you don’t know the person whose name you’ve drawn very well. Lucky for you, there are…

  • Tired of turkey? Unique ideas for your work Thanksgiving celebration

    Tired of turkey? Unique ideas for your work Thanksgiving celebration

    Though it may not have been present at the 1621 celebration of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the turkey is undoubtedly the star of the Thanksgiving feast. Because this beautiful bird is large enough to feed a sizable crowd — and because it is uniquely North American (often hunted by colonists) — it became a staple…

  • What does your desk say about you?

    What does your desk say about you?

    There’s never been a more publicly private space than your desk. It’s the one place that houses the things you need to function as an employee, but also the only place you have to call your own in this shared environment. You work to make it a comfortable, pleasing, homey, functional space. Over time, though,…

  • Rock that office Halloween costume contest with these ideas

    Rock that office Halloween costume contest with these ideas

    Here’s an easy, peasy way to win a $250 prize to throw a Halloween party for your group: Just tell (or show) us why you love this spooktacular holiday and you’ll be entered to win! All you have to do is fill out the official entry form; we promise it won’t be scary. Wink. Submissions…

  • Bullying happens at school and work: Here’s how to fight it

    Bullying happens at school and work: Here’s how to fight it

    What do you think of when you hear the word “bullying”? A playground is likely a common visual. The screams of happy children in the background. The heartbreaking scene of a child getting pushed around by another in the foreground — not just physically, but verbally. But bullying doesn’t just live in school hallways or…

  • These hacks will make your workday flow

    These hacks will make your workday flow

    You walk into the office at 8 a.m. determined to complete the day’s tasks focused and undeterred. And then all of a sudden it’s 3 p.m. and the only thing you’ve accomplished is sitting through a two-hour staff meeting and checking your email. Sound familiar? Yeah, us too. Our work days are full of distractions.…

  • Are you reaching your annual goals? Here’s how to follow-up

    Are you reaching your annual goals? Here’s how to follow-up

    The beginning of every year is often filled with optimism about what is to come — we create resolutions and set goals to ensure we’re successful in every facet of life and business. In the workplace, those goals are most effective when backed by strategy, creating a plan of action, a roadmap if you will,…

  • At work on the Fourth of July? Move the party from the backyard to the break room

    At work on the Fourth of July? Move the party from the backyard to the break room

    The Fourth of July is on a Wednesday this year and for you, that may mean being stuck at work. Wahh, wahh. Not everyone gets to celebrate our nation’s independence with a day off (24% of employees across the nation, in fact, do not) — especially when it falls right in the middle of the…

  • Putting it off? How to overcome procrastination

    Putting it off? How to overcome procrastination

    “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” This advice from founding father Ben Franklin seems pretty straightforward. Just do the work. Get it done. No problem, right? Except for millions of people, procrastination IS a real problem in their daily lives. Research shows one in five people are chronic procrastinators — consistently…

  • Earth-friendly practices you can incorporate in your workplace

    Earth-friendly practices you can incorporate in your workplace

    As April 22 approaches each year, you may find yourself thinking a little more about the ways you can give back to the place that provides a safe haven to you every day. Being environmentally conscious not only on Earth Day, but every other day in between, will go a long way in having a…