Tag: productivity

  • These hacks will make your workday flow

    These hacks will make your workday flow

    You walk into the office at 8 a.m. determined to complete the day’s tasks focused and undeterred. And then all of a sudden it’s 3 p.m. and the only thing you’ve accomplished is sitting through a two-hour staff meeting and checking your email. Sound familiar? Yeah, us too. Our work days are full of distractions.…

  • Putting it off? How to overcome procrastination

    Putting it off? How to overcome procrastination

    “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” This advice from founding father Ben Franklin seems pretty straightforward. Just do the work. Get it done. No problem, right? Except for millions of people, procrastination IS a real problem in their daily lives. Research shows one in five people are chronic procrastinators — consistently…

  • 4 ways to make staff meetings productive and enjoyable

    4 ways to make staff meetings productive and enjoyable

    Let’s be honest. No one really looks forward to staff meetings. Whether you’re having them once a day, once a week or once a month, we have a tendency to lose focus when we get employees together. Sidebar conversations can overrule, debates can go on a lot longer than expected, and we can get lost…

  • Listen while you work: Podcasts for long days at the desk

    Listen while you work: Podcasts for long days at the desk

    Podcasts are a great alternative to music if you’re looking for something to listen to at work or during your commute that is interesting, inspiring or simply entertaining. If you’re unfamiliar or have never listened to one before, podcasts are digital audio files made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile…

  • Ways to make your workspace more productive

    Ways to make your workspace more productive

    A key element in having a more productive work day is your workspace. Are you comfortable? Are you inspired? If you’re sitting at a cubicle with nothing but your computer to look at, then those eight hours a day probably move by pretty slow. Likewise, if your desk is not positioned appropriately, then any discomfort…