Employee Spotlight: Amanda!

Amanda is our resident genius around here at WorkPlacePro. She has been here 12 years and I really don’t think any one of us could get by without her. She is the backbone of our website, the glue to our marketing team and all around just makes WPP “tick”. Yes, she is that good. We thought we’d sit down with her for some very important interview questions that we hope you enjoy and let you get to know her a little bit. 🙂

Interview Questions:

  1. If you were a Disney character, which one would you be? And why?

I googled “Which Disney character are you” and took this quiz.

My result: Sadness from Inside Out

I haven’t seen this movie, but it’s on disney.com so it must be official.  I guess see what you get to judge if this quiz is accurate

  1. What skill would you like to master? Reading Japanese, but I’m too lazy to stick with studying it.
  1. What’s your favorite drink? I usually drink water, but the fanciest I get is Coke Zero with lime.  Or a white mocha cappuccino.
  1. What are three small things that make your day better?
    1. Dark Chocolate
    2. New YouTube videos
    3. Feeling like I accomplished something
  1. What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t? Wanting a dog.
  1. If life is a game (like some people say) what’s two rules you would have?
    1. Don’t be rude.
    2. Be a geek about something you enjoy.
  1. Favorite restaurant? Food from what place? Given the opportunity, my favorite thing is to go somewhere new, or somewhere we rarely go, and have something a bit different that I wouldn’t usually have at home.