Category: Librarian Tips

  • How the School Library Promotes Independent Learning

    How the School Library Promotes Independent Learning

    Although school libraries’ role is shifting in the digital age, they are still a critical resource for students in fostering the skills for independent learning. The Internet has changed how information is consumed, and some have even questioned whether libraries still have a role in the modern school system. However, libraries have and continue to adapt, offering…

  • School Libraries: Adapting to the Digital World

    School Libraries: Adapting to the Digital World

    Libraries may be traditionally thought of as buildings were books are kept, but in a digital world, libraries are changing to become much more. As libraries evolve to the Information Age, they are taking on completely new models that focus on different kinds of resources and spaces. However, the goals of libraries—especially school libraries—remain the…

  • Making the Library a Space Children Want to Be

    Making the Library a Space Children Want to Be

    Libraries can play an important role in children’s lives. They are a safe place to spend time and discover the joy of reading. Libraries are also spaces for community—places to play and discover, imagine and inspire, learn and study, and even take some much-needed quiet time. But children won’t flock to the library just because…