Tag: Medical

  • Eating for Heart Health

    Eating for Heart Health

    February is National Heart Month, and since it is just around the corner, more and more people have begun to think once again about their own heart health. It is no secret that heart health is very important, but many people often do not know where to get started when it comes to learning about…

  • Heart Attacks: Recognizing the Symptoms

    Heart Attacks: Recognizing the Symptoms

    Would you know if you were having a heart attack? Many people say that they would. However, when it happens, they dismiss the very early warning symptoms as such innocuous things as indigestion, food poisoning, or even a harmless stomach bug. They find out only too late that what they mistook for harmless is actually…

  • Heart Glossary

    Heart Glossary

    When it comes to your body, nothing is more important than keeping your heart healthy. However, understanding heart health can be more than a little difficult, especially if you are a beginner to this important topic. Check out this list of heart-related terms to help you get started.   ACE Inhibitors – Medicines that are…

  • 5 Common Cancer Myths

    5 Common Cancer Myths

    We’ve come a long way in how well we understand cancer, its risk factors, and how to fight it. But as awareness grows, so has misinformation. There are a lot of myths out there about what cancer is, its risk factors, and its treatments. Let’s set the record straight. Here are five of the most…

  • Cholesterol: Fact and Fiction

    Cholesterol: Fact and Fiction

    If you ask a random person on the street if they have heard of cholesterol, chances are they have. It is also highly likely that they hold some common ideas concerning this vital compound, its role in the human body, and the damage elevated levels can cause. These ideas are spread so frequently that many…

  • Autism and Immunization: Is There a Connection?

    Autism and Immunization: Is There a Connection?

    In the later part of the 1990s, parents suddenly began to fear for the health of their children based on a research paper that claimed to prove a connection between the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccination and autism spectrum disorders in children. Since the publication of this paper, the research has been discredited and…

  • Choosing a Multi-Vitamin

    Choosing a Multi-Vitamin

    Our bodies need their fill of over 40 nutrients each and every day to perform at their best. Are you hitting all those quotas? Most of us don’t manage to get our fill on all of them on our own. Where our day-to-day diets fall short, a multivitamin can help pick up the slack. The…

  • The Physical Effects of the Winter Blues

    The Physical Effects of the Winter Blues

    Many people struggle in the winter months with feelings of sadness or depression. For some, this is a simple case of the winter blue. But for three percent of the population, it’s a serious clinical condition called seasonable affective disorder (SAD). Even others already diagnosed with clinical depression experience more severe symptoms at this time…

  • 10 Ways to Avoid Getting Colds and Flus this Winter

    10 Ways to Avoid Getting Colds and Flus this Winter

    In the winter, the risk for catching a cold or flu skyrockets. With temperatures dropping, stress levels rising and all that extra time hunkered up together indoors, it’s no surprise that we’re all a little more vulnerable. But with the holidays, celebrations, and all the fun to be had in the snow, winter is no…

  • 26 Ways to Relax

    26 Ways to Relax

    Even if you feel like you lead a fairly casual lifestyle, it is still important to get some deliberate relaxation time in regularly. Relaxation is an important part of daily life –it improves mental and physical health, promotes healing, improves bodily functions such as digestion and boosts immunity. When we relax, our bodies switch into…