News and Information

  • We all look forward to little milestones in life as they tell us when we’ve reached our goals.  Lately, it’s been a trend of some teachers and students to celebrate the 100th day of School. The 100th day falls exactly…

  • In winter, holiday spirits may be up, but general health tends to be on the decline. It’s not hard to see why—between the freezing weather, increased travel, and busy schedules, most of us aren’t making self-care a priority at this…

  • Schools and non – profits have to raise money to keep themselves running. One tried and true way to do it is by selling products throughout your community. But the standard wrapping papers and cookies are not exactly green—or healthy.…

  • It is well known among teachers that children respond well to art. Whether they are simply looking at it, learning about it or creating it, using art in the classroom is a fantastic way to get kids engaged and offers…

  • Many studies have proven that children need to eat a nutritious breakfast in order to perform well at school, but what most parents don’t realise is that having a healthy, balanced lunch is just as important. Children need a nutritious…

  • In a study of 50 nonprofits and 2 million contributors detailed by, as much as 70 percent of nonprofits had not followed up with contributors a month after their donation. Thirty-seven percent never even emailed a thank-you at all.…

  • With the summer coming to a close, matters such as uniforms, stationery and bus routes are often at the top of any parents mind, as children everywhere start preparing for their return to school. However, one important piece of school…

  • The Relay for Life is a cornerstone fundraising event organized by the American Cancer Society. This overnight walk/run event is sure to challenge and inspire. It’s also a great way to support the fight against cancer. Relay for Life brings…

  • For most of us, summer brings bright sun, hot days, and great times at the beach and neighborhood BBQs. But for some, summer can be prime allergy season. To help you battle unwelcome stuffed noses, itchy skin, hives, and more, here…

  • What burns twice as many calories as running and offers a more complete body workout? Climbing stairs. Many are finding the challenge of a stair climb race to be more exhilarating than a typical run, and it’s rising in popularity…