5 Ways to Up Your Daily Water Intake

Health professionals agree. Drinking sixty-four ounces of water per day is vital for your health. This amount of water keeps all of the body’s systems running efficiently. However, getting the necessary amount of water is not always easy, especially for people who do not like the taste. If you are one of those people, or just find getting the necessary amount of water difficult, this article is for you. Read on as we discuss five ways to get that all-important water into your body.


Start Slowly

When first starting to increase the amount of water you drink, people generally try to start drinking eight glasses a day right away. This is not the best approach. For better results, it is much wiser to start with just one glass more per day than what you drink already. When you feel that you sufficiently have the habit of drinking one glass more a day down, then you can add another. You will be drinking the optimum amount of water before you know it.


Buy a Filtration System

Tap water does not generally taste good, due to the content of chlorine and other chemicals used in its purification. Water filtration systems remove these chemicals from the water, making it much more palatable.

Water filtration systems are very easy to find and can be purchased at most supermarkets. These days, there are even filtration bottles that can be bought which will filter water one serving at a time.


Stock Your Refrigerator

Cold water is tastier than room temperature or even tap water. Get some empty juice bottles or sports bottles and fill these with ice. Pour some tap water on the ice. Place the bottles in your refrigerator. The ice will melt slowly, cooling the water over it to create a cold, refreshing treat. As a bonus, cold water cools your body, making it burn more calories to regulate its temperature.


Spice Up Your Water

Plain water can be boring but it does not have to be. Spice up that plain water by adding fruit to it. Lemon is a classic fruit to add to water, but it is not the only choice. Cucumbers and strawberries are also good choices. Pick a fruit you like and experiment until you find a combination that makes your taste buds happy while allowing your body to flourish. If fruit is not your thing, there are also varieties of no-calorie flavor packets that can be added to make water much tastier.


Eat Water-Enriched Foods

If drinking water still is not something you want to do, why not eat your water? Tomatoes and watermelon are both delicious and healthy. They are also over ninety per cent water. Getting water from these tasty sources can really cut down on the amount you have to drink.


Drinking enough water on a daily basis can be a real hassle but it does not have to be. If you take the tips prevented in this article, you may actually learn to like drinking water. Failing that, you can at least make it taste more palatable. Before long, you will be getting all the water you need and perhaps enjoying the taste as well.