Tag: back to school

  • 3 things to do before the summer clock runs out

    3 things to do before the summer clock runs out

    It’s July, friends. ALREADY. But didn’t school just let out yesterday? It’s amazing how quickly summer flys by. A vacation here, a few trips to the pool there, and suddenly there are fewer than 30 days before the kids are back in the classroom again. 😱

  • Ten Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

    Ten Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

    When things get busy during the year, it can be easy to overlook what a fantastic job your child’s teacher is doing. Teachers put in much more time and effort than we might realize, often going above and beyond in order to give our kids a great education, so the end of the school year…

  • 20 Ways to Spice Up Your Kids Lunchbox

    20 Ways to Spice Up Your Kids Lunchbox

      Providing lunch for your children can be a challenge. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches quickly get old and they are not the most healthy option. Packaged lunch alternatives often contain additives and preservatives as well as unnecessary amounts of trans-fats, salt and sugar. So, as a health-conscious parent who is attempting to provide a…

  • Teaching New Vocabulary Words

    Teaching New Vocabulary Words

    Learning vocabulary an important part of education and life at any age. In fact, several markers of success in life have been correlated to having a larger vocabulary. In addition to this, keeping your students at grade level standards for vocabulary comprehension is critical for passing standardized assessment like Common Core’s PARCC tests. But it…

  • Using YouTube in the Classroom

    Using YouTube in the Classroom

    As technology becomes more integrated into education methods, utilizing YouTube in the classroom is a trend on the rise. Early studies testing its effectiveness are proving promising. In high school classrooms in Detroit, a video-enabled flipped classroom program helped reduce the fail rate for freshmen English and math classes by more than half. Additionally, semester…

  • Using Devices in Elementary Years

    Using Devices in Elementary Years

    When you think of children in the classroom, it is likely that your mind turns to studious heads bent low over notebooks, textbooks and worksheet handouts. It is likely you think of children turning in handwritten assignments, and if they are very young, learning to read and write like you did as a child. It…

  • How to Handle Bullying Situations In School

    How to Handle Bullying Situations In School

    According to DoSomething.org, a whopping 3.2 million students are bullied each year. Most teachers want to help, but we can’t always prevent bullying situations from occurring, but we can be prepared to handle bullying properly when it does take place. Here are some tips to handle bullying situations involving your students:   Responding to Acts…

  • Bullying: Advice for Parents and Teachers

    Bullying: Advice for Parents and Teachers

    What is Bullying? Put simply, bullying is when one child picks on another child. Bullying is defined as any unwanted, aggressive behavior from one or more children, toward another child or children. Bullying is often not an isolated event, but rather is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated. Bullying can happen in various…

  • Traditional Education: Does ‘later’ always mean ‘greater’?

    Traditional Education: Does ‘later’ always mean ‘greater’?

    Traditional education is, at its core, the most commonly practised form of education throughout much of the world.  This term refers to a back-to-basics way of teaching, where a single instructor (or perhaps an instructor with an aide, for larger classes) speaks to a group of students who are seated at desks or tables.  This…

  • Fun & Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Kids

    Fun & Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Kids

    Many studies have proven that children need to eat a nutritious breakfast in order to perform well at school, but what most parents don’t realise is that having a healthy, balanced lunch is just as important. Children need a nutritious meal in the middle of the day to re-boost their concentration and give them the…