What is Digital Learning?

As technology becomes more and more integrated into everyday life, it’s likely no surprise that it’s becoming a bigger part of education, too.

The Alliance for Excellent Education defines digital learning as “any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience.” A digital learning approach to education allows more flexibility in the classroom to let students work at their own pace, while familiarizing students with the technology skills they’ll need for the “real world.”

How can you promote digital learning in your community? Wednesday, February 17, is Digital Learning Day. Here are three ways to celebrate while learning more about digital learning for you and your students:

  • Host an event
    Grow awareness for digital learning’s role in education by organizing an event at your school or in your community. Get ideas and support to create your event here.
  • Teach an interactive lesson
    When teachers and technology come together, it’s a powerful combination for student learning. Try one out with your class using Digital Learning Day’s interactive lesson library.
  • Explore a new digital learning tool
    There are tons of different digital learning options out there. Even if you already use some, there’s bound to be something new out there. Why not give one a try? Start with this list of digital learning tools.

Digital tools empower learning

Digital learning is not just giving students tablets. It’s a more personalized approach to learning that is already proving to power better learning.

In fact, data from Project RED showed the use of technology-based interventions was a top predictor for student improvements on high-stakes test scores, reducing dropout rates, and completing courses for students who were struggling with reading, in special education programs, or learning English.

This is only one of many efforts that are already demonstrating the positive power of digital learning. So this Digital Learning Day, pick up a tablet and learn more about how you can empower students with technology.