🙋if you are always the team member who draws the short straw to place your group’s apparel order.
Getting all the sizes. All the money. Placing the order. It can be stressful!
But we have good news: We’ve taken the stress out of the process at WorkPlacePro. 🙌
Our new shared ordering system allows you to set up an order for a particular design, add your fellow team members to the order by e-mail, and then they handle the rest. WPP sends an e-mail to all team members on the order that includes a link to choose their size, make a payment and a deadline for submitting their individual order.
Aaaand, that’s it. That’s all you have to do! Could it be any easier?
Once the deadline has passed and we receive your order, we’ll send you a final e-mail with all the items included, group everything together, and ship it out in about two weeks.
The best part? Our customers are giving raving reviews on our survey:
“Process easy, well organized, no need to collect money.”
“Everyone loved it. Our budget coordinator loved that she did not have to filter funds through the library budget.”
“Again, this process was SO easy. And the customer service chat feature was amazing. All of my questions were answered promptly and in a friendly manner.”
If you have a group order coming up, you no longer have to dread being given the task. You’ll look forward to ordering from WorkPlacePro from now on!
Watch a detailed how-to video on our shared ordering system