Tag: teaching career

  • Using YouTube in the Classroom

    Using YouTube in the Classroom

    As technology becomes more integrated into education methods, utilizing YouTube in the classroom is a trend on the rise. Early studies testing its effectiveness are proving promising. In high school classrooms in Detroit, a video-enabled flipped classroom program helped reduce the fail rate for freshmen English and math classes by more than half. Additionally, semester…

  • Using Devices in Elementary Years

    Using Devices in Elementary Years

    When you think of children in the classroom, it is likely that your mind turns to studious heads bent low over notebooks, textbooks and worksheet handouts. It is likely you think of children turning in handwritten assignments, and if they are very young, learning to read and write like you did as a child. It…

  • Identifying Different Types of Learners

    Identifying Different Types of Learners

    There are many different ways that people learn, and in any classroom, you are bound to encounter several students from each learning category.  While one method of teaching may work very well for a certain type of learner, another type may not respond at all to what you try.  As a new teacher, it is…

  • Traditional Education: Does ‘later’ always mean ‘greater’?

    Traditional Education: Does ‘later’ always mean ‘greater’?

    Traditional education is, at its core, the most commonly practised form of education throughout much of the world.  This term refers to a back-to-basics way of teaching, where a single instructor (or perhaps an instructor with an aide, for larger classes) speaks to a group of students who are seated at desks or tables.  This…

  • Tips For First Teachers

    Tips For First Teachers

    So you’ve graduated, and you’ve just landed your first teaching job – congratulations! Being a first year teacher is hard going. You have new names to learn and a classroom of children and their parents to get to know, all while you are finding your feet in your new career. This list of tips will…