Tag: Fundraiser

  • Establishing an Annual Campaign

    Establishing an Annual Campaign

    Are you trying to raise money for your cause? If so, an annual fund raiser may be a good way to accomplish this. Annual fund raisers are not just telemarketing opportunities. They also give you and your organization the ability to reach out to people who would want to be included in the cause’s plans…

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Fundraising

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Fundraising

    Deciding to fundraise is a brave and important commitment. But aside from selecting your cause and receiving donations….what else do you need to know? Here are a few tips of what you should and should not do while fundraising. Follow these tips to get you off to a great start and ensure that you pull…

  • A to Z of Fundraising

    A to Z of Fundraising

      Fundraising is one of the most crucial yet difficult tasks of any organization. If you do not succeed in this endeavor, monetary goals will likely not be met and the whole organization will suffer. So how do you properly raise funds without your fundraising efforts going stale? How do you drum up support at…

  • How To Get People Involved

    How To Get People Involved

    Are you inspired to join a cause or start one in your community? That’s great—there are so many different make a positive difference. Odds are, you don’t intend to do it all by yourself—not only can you make a bigger impact with others’ help, but it’s also more fun. But how do you get other…

  • Using Awareness Days To Raise Funds

    Using Awareness Days To Raise Funds

    Do you have a cause you support? Do you want to support the cause, but have no money to donate yourself? Do you want to earn money and have fun in the process? If you answered yes to any of these questions this article is for you. We will discuss several ways to earn money…

  • Applying For Grants

    Applying For Grants

    Non-profit organizations and charities both rely heavily on grants to help pay for the costs of upkeep, events, and day to day functioning.  If you are a part of a charity or non-profit but have never applied for a grant before, the task can seem a little daunting!  Read on to learn helpful tips that…

  • Fundraising In The Holiday Season

    Fundraising In The Holiday Season

    It can be very difficult to raise money through donations during a time of the year when everyone seems to be strapped for cash, but never fear!  Remember these few tips, and you will have no trouble with your next holiday season fundraising project.   Enlist Friends and Family Sure, they may not be paid…

  • How To Thank Your Contributors

    How To Thank Your Contributors

    In a study of 50 nonprofits and 2 million contributors detailed by Fundraiser123.org, as much as 70 percent of nonprofits had not followed up with contributors a month after their donation. Thirty-seven percent never even emailed a thank-you at all. When your nonprofit sends a timely thank-you, it stands out in a compelling way. It…

  • Learn Fundraising 101: The Basics

    Learn Fundraising 101: The Basics

    Fundraising can be a daunting business, but you can make it easy if you break it down into the basics.   Why Fundraise? Fundraising is an important part of life. To a certain group of people, species of animal, area of the planet, or otherwise – your mission matters. Raising money for your mission will…

  • 100 Fundraising Ideas

    100 Fundraising Ideas

    When you are tackling a fundraising project – no matter how big or small, it’s always best to hold several different kinds of events so as to appeal to as many people as possible. You also want to take the time to choose the best events for your fundraising, and plan them out as best…