Interacting With Autism

If you are a parent, hearing a diagnosis of autism in your child can be a scary situation. Older teens and adults who are diagnosed later in life are often just as frightened, and may not know where to turn for answers. Whether you yourself have been diagnosed with autism, or you are looking for help in coping with a diagnosis of autism in your child, can provide you a wealth of knowledge and support to help you along this challenging path.


 Understanding Autism

The first section of the website focuses on understanding the causes and effects of autism in children, as well as in adults. Head to this section to learn about the sensory problems related to autism, the methods by which it is diagnosed, and how the media has helped to shape the public opinion on autism, whether for better or worse. This is also a great place to look for information on the controversial subject of vaccinations with regard to increased childhood autism diagnoses. Before you check out the rest of the site, you can also read real feedback from parents as well as adults with autism under the Understanding tab.


Treating Autism

After you have a firm grasp on what autism is and what it means for you and your family, head to the Treating tab to learn about your options. Most of this section is devoted to information for parents, in the hopes of helping them make good decisions for their children. A small part of this section focuses on medications that have been used in managing autism, and this can be useful for adults with autism as well as for parents. For the most part, however, the Treating tab is designed to educate parents on types of speech and motor skill therapy, as well as specialized teaching and behavioral studies available to help them make the most for their children.


Living With Autism

The third and final tab focuses on living with autism. This part of the site is packed with personal stories and anecdotes to help comfort, inspire, and assist families and individuals dealing with an autism diagnosis. Check out this section to learn about what life is like for the people who deal with autism every day, and perhaps find some ideas that you can use in your own life to help yourself and your family as well.



With a diagnosis of autism in yourself or your child, you are sure to have plenty of conflicting feelings and negative emotions to work through. Visit to learn about autism, discover the many ways in which it is treated and managed, and meet other families who are going through the same thing. is available in English, Chinese, and Spanish, so even more families can be easily reached through this helpful and informative website


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