When you are tackling a fundraising project – no matter how big or small, it’s always best to hold several different kinds of events so as to appeal to as many people as possible. You also want to take the time to choose the best events for your fundraising, and plan them out as best you can, to make sure that you get as much as you can out of each event.
Fundraising can be a tough job, and it often takes several different events to raise the money needed for your project. That’s why we have compiled this list of fundraising ideas for you to make the most of!
Here’s our list of 100 Fundraising Ideas!
- Basket raffle
- Hold a yard sale
- Bachelor or bachelorette auction
- Bake Sale
- Bake-off
- Lessons with a volunteer teacher
- Board game tournament
- Quiz night
- Theatrical production
- Bucket street collection
- Butler auction
- Fun run
- Car washing
- Spelling Bee
- Car detailing
- Photo/portrait sessions
- Babysitting
- Silent auction
- Charity Ball
- Singing benefit concert
- Orienteering
- Charity breakfast
- Bring your dog to work
- Pet show
- Can drive
- Cookbook
- Car smash
- Computer smash
- Craft fair
- Dinner auction
- Eating contest
- Face painting
- Christmas Gift wrapping
- Hair shaving
- Marathon
- Karaoke night
- Kissing booth
- Fashion show
- Tea party
- Yard work
- Hire a hubby auction
- Movie night
- Calendar
- Pajama day
- Art show
- Pet parade
- Remembrance tree
- Pie in face
- Country fair
- Rent-a-puppy
- Event parking
- Santa letters
- Trashin’ fashion show
- Weight loss challenge
- Beauty pageant
- Guess the number of jellybeans in the jar
- Casual dress day
- Walk-a-thon
- Bag groceries
- Dog walking
- Winter bazaar
- Carnival day
- Battle of the bands
- Dance-a-thon
- Working bee
- Cheese rolls
- Swim-a-thon
- Bingo night
- Plant sale
- Produce stall
- Book sale
- International dinner
- Classic car show
- Pumpkin decorating contest
- Debate evening
- Talent night
- Comedy night
- Flower show
- Fitness tournament
- Mini Olympics
- Poetry and book reading
- Tug of war
- Tombola
- Makeovers and manicures
- Henna hand art
- Lemonade stand
- Barbecue lunch
- Pancake breakfast
- Gourmet cooking class
- Singing telegrams
- Block party
- ‘Who Dunnit’ murder mystery party
- Window washing
- Event glow sticks
- Rent-a-worker
- Pamper evening
- Teddy bear’s picnic
- Stadium seat cushions
- Tupperware party
- Food Festival
We hope you enjoyed this list. Feel free to comment letting us know which ones are your favourite, and which ones helped you raise the most funds for your cause!